
MyCred4Home Final Conference
You can find a report in French about the successful Final Conference of the project, that was held on 25 October 2024 if you click here

Learning happens in any context: MyCred4Home is giving value to non-formal learning
The MyCred4Home project has been promoted in the EPALE blog space – EPALE is a European, multilingual, open membership community of adult learning professionals, including adult educators and trainers, guidance and support staff, researchers and academics, and policymakers.
Video testimonials of PHS sector workers and employers
MyCred4Home partners contributed to the development of testimonials, presented during the Domestic & Home Care EU Congress. MyCred4Home activities are addressed to: PHS workers, in- and pre- service (current and future workers), workers from other sectors looking for a career change, unemployed, jobseekers, PHS employers, as well as Certification agencies, Social partners, policy makers and public or private employment services.

We participated in Domestic & Home Care EU Congress
The event was organized in the context of the 10th anniversary of European Federation for Family Employment held on the 14th of November 2023 in The EGG in Brussels. The objective of the event was to bring together political and civil society partners to discuss the many challenges of the sector: strengthening attractiveness, tied to demographic issues in the framework of the European Year of Skills or the improvement of working conditions through effective social dialogue. More about the event: MyCred4Home partners attended the congress promoting the project and contributing in the development of video testimonials presenting PHS sector workers and employers:
Meeting in Lugo (Spain)
The 3rd consortium meeting was organised by MyCred4Home partner institution GDOCE in Lugo (Spain). The two-day meeting was held on 20-21st of September 2023. The main objective of the meeting was to finalise the framework according to the results of the consultations with stakeholders and discuss the evaluation methods and tools to be applied in an online environment.

Meeting in Nicosia (Cyprus)
The University of Cyprus was hosting the partnership meeting in Nicosia. Partners discussed about the standards on micro-credentials, fine-tuned the link between the competences and evaluation methods & tools. A detailed plan for the next months has been set up.
Surveys about Micro-credentials
8 Feb 2023
In all partner countries, surveys are organised in order to get the opinion of people who could use this new system. You will answer a series of questions that relate to the creation of micro-certification for household activities. These data will be processed by the partners. Let us know what do you think about microcredentials:

Newsletter Vol.1
30 Sept 2022
The first issue of the #MyCred4Home Newsletter is online! Click on the image to read more and stay updated on the project’s progress.
Bologna project’s meeting
20 Sept 2022
We all learn every day. Can microcredentials give value and recognition to our skills? In September 2022, Steps srl hosted the meeting of #MyCred4Home which promotes professionalisation of homecare sector through micro-credentials and validation of non-formal and informal learning. We are working on the first project result “Benchmarking report” and soon we will be able to deliver it. Stay tuned and follow us on our media!

First transnational project meeting
12 April 2022
During 11 and 12 April 2022, we attended a transnational meeting hosted by IPERIA (France) dedicated to the #MyCred4Home project. #MyCred4Home intends to explore #micro-credentials for lower qualification levels, the most in need of #recognition and who can benefit the most from #validation of non-formal and informal learning. Many thanks to all participants! It was a great time, full of interesting discussions, exchange of experiences and good memories!