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IPERIA – French

IPERIA is the French platform for the professionalization of home employment representing about 3.4 million of individual family employers and more than 1.4 million of employees from the professional branch of private employers and 3 qualifications: life assistants, domestic housekeepers and childminders. IPERIA plays a major role in the professionalisation of home employment sector, whose mean features are:

• Created in 1994 to promote the recognition and professionalisation of the home employment sector

• Mandated by 2 professional branches including 3 professional profiles: 1) to elaborate 3 full qualifications of about 600 hours: 3 EQF “branch certificates”, “titres de branche”, labour market-oriented and focused on employability and lifelong training catalogues, including more than 100 modules from 14 hours to 40 hours) 2) to be certifying authority for these qualifications.

• More than 230 labelled VET providers

• More than 200.000 training paths completed during the last 20 years

• A growing staff, nowadays around 120 professionals.

As regards IPERIA’s missions, they are as follows: to contribute to the professionalisation of home employment, facilitating quality, tailored and up-to-date qualifications; to design and develop the 3 official qualifications registered in the French NQF and specific specializations (on handicap, autism, etc.), to delivery to the VET providers an accreditation ensuring quality and excellence in training provision across France; to organise and support the process of recognition of prior learning and professional experiences (validation of acquired professional experience – VAE); to deliver official certifications for vocational training (3 EQF).

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